What We Do

“Respect Mental Health. Everyone should have access to help and support.”

— Barry Beck

What is mental health?

By definition, mental health consists of the emotional, psychological and social well-being of an individual. It’s an extremely vital component which affects how one perceives the world by controlling every thought, feeling and action. (ref: mentalhealth.gov. 2020)


How to help

Although there has been a greater awareness in mental health recently, so much more could be done. The importance of treating mental illness either from trauma, disease or chemical imbalance has not been a priority in our society for generations. An unfair, negative stigma has prevented open discussions and finding solutions. We must not only identify the issue, but also have compassion, offer positive ways to help manage and maintain proper mental health.

Identifying signs & symptoms that may indicate a problem: (ref: mentalhealth.gov 2020)

  • Feeling helpless or hopeless, depressed.

  • Unusually confused, forgetful, agitated, worried.

  • Mood swings that affect relationships.

  • Avoiding social gatherings, daily routines & activities.

  • Eating or sleeping too much or too little.

  • Smoking, drinking or doing drugs more than usual to cope.

  • Feeling numb or like nothing matters.

  • Thoughts of harming yourself or others.

  • Having persistent thoughts and memories you can't get out of your head.

  • Hearing voices or seeing things or believing things that are not accurate and true.

“Action matters. The journey always begins with the first step.”

— Barry Beck

Music and athletics improve mental health. Images from our Youtube channel. (L to R) Vincent G. De Lara, Gigi Chow, Alyssa Ho, Marcus Cheung

Who we are

If you are concerned about yourself or someone else, it’s important to find the right professionals who can diagnose, provide resources and proper course of treatments. We are not mental health professionals and can not diagnose any condition at FallinStars. We’re here to show the community, by example, positive initiatives which help manage and improve mental health. Our values are; To empower young people through education, well-being, athletics, music and the arts, bringing hope through a creative response to mental health.

“Nature is Therapy” and “Respect Mental Health”.

Our team at FallinStars wants to reach out to as many people as we can. We look forward to interacting with the community and learn from each other. We’ll be scheduling presentations and communicating through this site and our Social Media Platforms. We have started a “Respect Mental Health” positive initiative video campaign. If you would like to participate, please contact us on our pages or by email for further details. We must ALL do our part to educate, provide assistance and protect our mental health. Our site with be updated periodically.

Nature is Therapy. Photo credit: Brian Cheung


Music is Therapy. Photo credit: Thomas Etts

“I wanted to share this video with everyone because it’s fun, creative and the song touched my soul. For me, music is my therapy” -Barry

What to do

Obviously, anything that affects a person's quality of life must be taken seriously. . Having a "clean bill of health" should include both physical and mental status to feel and perform optimally. The same routines that help us physically, also benefit us mentally. Such as: eating a well balanced, healthy diet, exercising regularly and getting proper sleep.

Staying connected to friends is not only fun, but it’s productive as well. The exchange of thoughts and feelings gives a person a sense of belonging and new coping skills are learned together. The focus now becomes “How can we manage this better?” rather than “I can’t deal with this alone”. Of course, finding professional help and reaching out to those trained in the Mental Health field is extremely important to diagnose and have a proper plan for recovery.

We all have experienced at least one situation or traumatic event that affected us, either personally or with someone we knew. It’s a part of life, but nobody should feel alone or ashamed. There is help for EVERYONE.

Pier 3 Harbour City, Hong Kong / photo credits by: Brian Cheung

Do you need help?

Send us a message, and we’ll connect you to resources who can help you.

The journey starts with the first step, and you are not alone.